Charity Pledge

From the beginning, Shinno Tea set out to be a different kind of company. One that serves quality tea, and also a meaningful cause. We are dedicated to bringing fair value to every person we deal with ( including you >.< ), at the same time putting our profits to good, charitable use in a sustainable and practical manner.
Social responsibility comes in many form. Some comes in the form of community improvement, while some comes in the form of financial aid. No matter which, efforts have to be carefully monitored, and given responsibly. To be honest, we have always been skeptical on monetary donations. Not knowing where or how the funds are spent, and not being able to measure if the programmes implemented will make a positive, sustainable change is worrying. However, that should not stop us from trying, it just mean that we have to look deeper into how the organisation work.
Apart from our sponsorships and non profit supplies to charity organisations, we are pledging a small percentage of
between 2.5% ~ 10%
for every item sold on our website to selected non-profit organisations who have been able to:-
- Make sustainable, positive impacts not restricted to any ethic groups or religion.
- Display track record in the efficiency use of funds during the course of charity programmes.
- Keep management and general expenses low.
The donation amount will be tracked and reflected on our home page by third party application, Give & Grow, developed by Pledgeling. They are a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization with a regranting program that efficiently distributes millions of donations each year from businesses and donors to their favorite causes.
Established in 2014, they leverage on innovative technologies to support today's growing networks of nonprofits Regranting and drive donations to all qualified, tax-exempt, U.S.-registered nonprofit organizations, as well as vetted and verified international charities.
Using industry leading security, they collect funds through a variety of online and mobile-first donation tools used by businesses, organizations and donors to support causes they care about, then regrant those funds to the designated nonprofit recipients.
All processing fees, donations and charges are borne by Shinno Tea. We hope that by sharing above information, it would help raise awareness towards what we call " Responsible & Sustainable Giving ". At the same time encourage fellow businesses, big or small, to participate in charitable causes which they can relate to. After all, a chain is only as strong as the weakest link, Right ?
Selected Non-Profit Organisations